Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Haylee and I Have made this movie on how to keep the CHRIST in CHRISTMAS at Christmas time. We used Microsoft Movie Maker to make our movie.

We hope you get lots of ideas about How to KEEP the CHRIST in CHRISTMAS.


Monday, November 23, 2009

ImageChef Word Mosaic - ImageChef.com

Walt: use vocabulary related to the Special Olympics

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Last week on Friday the 13Th of November we had our St James school Athletics at the Massey Track. A highlight for me was being able to do athletics on a proper track. Something I found challenging was that the hurdles were bigger than I thought.

Monday, November 2, 2009

My cat Charlie

"Are you ready” I ask my cat Charlie, she stares at me with a gleam in her eye so I took that as a yes.

I slowly trudged to my room skeaming on how to get my cat to skid on the floor. Then it came to me the idea of a life time! I'll use a piece of string because she gets attracted to sparkly things. I crept up on her and lay down a piece of string and wiggled it a little.

Charlie raced after it skidding round every corner, running her heart out (well hopping really). Round and round she went, in and out of rooms, up and down hallways untill finally I lay down for I was worn out. Thump, thump I hear beside my ear, I look up and see Charlie right in front of me.

Charlie hops up and stands on top of me for she had won the battle.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Walt: write a recount about my holiday using descriptive language.

I used scrapblog to present my work.

Monday, September 28, 2009

killer bees

This is my Mad Lib

Do be warned not to follow these instructions!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Our china dance

Our dance CELEBRATION! on PhotoPeach

This term Room 3 has been leanring about China.
We have lernt a TRADITIONAL Dance.
This is a PhOtO pEAcH of ouR School Performance.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


WALT:Follow an inquiry process.

This term we have been learning about China, we have continued building on the inquiry skills we have learnt in term 2. We brainstormed open questions as a class and then put these out to pairs.

The part of China Haylee and I were finding out more about was China's Traditions beliefs. We found our information on the Internet and from books. We used a data chart to make sure we triangulated all our information so we knew it was true. We then used movie maker to present our inquiry.

Something I enjoyed was making the movie because I got to learn how to use Movie Maker. An interesting fact I found out was that if yin and yang are balanced people are happy according to this belief. My next learning step in inquiry is to get more information and not talk to loud.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Finding China

school journal part 3 number3 2006

Today in reading we were using our key word strategy to find out more information about China. Something i fond really interesting was that there is no privacy because there is no doors on the toilets or showers.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Cindys dad vists!!

Walt: find out more about China to help us in our dance performance.

Last week Cindy's dad came to share with us all about China. He gave us moon cake because moon cakes are a special Chinese dessert. An interesting fact I found out was that Chinese people write differently to us. I really enjoyed the part when we got to eat the Moon cake because it tasted like peanuts.

Friday, August 7, 2009

My China Piki Kids

a comic strip!

This piki kids is about China.
I used the pictures from China because thats what i'm learning about

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Famous people in early Christains communities

Walt: develop an understanding the early Christian Church. In the early Christian communities there were many outstanding people among the Apostles and believers. This person is Saint Paul. He carried out the churches mission by going on three missionary journeys. I used blabbererise to present this information.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

R.E comic

a comic strip!

During the Church Strand we have been learning that a particular goal of the Church is to serve others. These photos show some of the ways the St James community serves others. I used Piki Kids to present these photos.


Walt: recognise why Christians worship God.
I used Bubbl.us to share my ideas about why we worship God. The ways I perfer to worship God are praying to him because I can tell him all my problems.

Friday, June 26, 2009

St Peters!!!

Walt:Use picture trail to share photos.
Yesterday the Year 6's went to St Peters open day. During the day we played Sport, the Drums and I went to Science Class.I learnt that St Peters is a very good school.The part I liked best was going to the Tuck shop because we don't have one at school and it was a special treat.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

The tui!!

Walt:use Blabberise to share information on our Inquiry learning.

I used Blabberise to make this video. The information I used is what I have found out so far during my inquiry on the tui.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Walt:display pictures from Mt Bruce in a creative way.

Monday, May 18, 2009

my Brainstorm.!!!!

Walt:compare and contrast different programmes.

This double bubble shows the differences between bubbl.us and webspiration.
The programme I like best is webspiration because you can put pictures on top of your writing.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Walt:ask open questions.I used Webspiration to brainstorm questions that will guide me in my inquiry on the Tui.

Tui Bird


Walt:Follow an inquiry process.
The Bird I want to learn about is the Tui. I chose it because the Tui is a native New Zealand Bird and it looks interesting.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Tummy rumbling, mind spinning as i go and sit on one of the seats that are as hard as rock. Then suddenly the beast beneath started to move as it went up it felt like a plane lifting up in a straight line. At the top my legs are dangling like jellyfish tentacles. SUDDENLY we dropped at the speed of light. Once we were on the ground I said ''holy molly''

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jesus calls us to live.

WALA:how Jesus was one of love for God and people.

As part of RE and Holy Week, we have been learning about how Jesus lived a life of love-Aroha for God and people.

Jesus callls us to live a life of love just like he did. This comic life shows wyas we can be Jesus example of Love.
The first photo shows someone returning a camera to a Teacher. The second photo shows a big peson helping a little prson across the monkey bars. The third picture show a different big person helping a little person up the wooden playground. The last picture shows people working in unity to solve a maths problem.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Walt:craete a page on Comic Life about 'What helps me learn?"

The first picture is a photo of talking buddies talking about something.The next picture is about someone on a laptop. The third is a picture of the teacher commenting on someones work. The last is a group of people working well.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

my Brainstorm.

walt:exsplan the Roles,Rights and responsibilites of my self and others of within my school community.


Wala:the fullness of Gods revelation.

This picture shows Jesus on the cross.

To me this means I sould be kind and treat others how I would like to be treated.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I did this graph on Excel.

This graph shows that I mostly like body/kinesthetic.
It also shows me that I least like Natualistic.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Kappiti Island 2

Walt:write a recount about one part of my holiday.I used fodey to publish my recount.

Walt:write a recount about my holiday .I used fodey to publish my recount
It helps me by teaching me more computer skills like hoon to how to upload things on to a blog if I want one in the future.

It helps you by letting you never stop learning because you can just go on to your blog at home.

Where would you go?

This graph shows me that most people in room3 want to go to Dizneyland.It also shows me that only one person wants to go to Wetn'wild.

Wordle: Untitled