The brainy brain
The brain is a control center that sends and gets messages in your body. The brain helps you to breath,think and move.When you think your've forgotten something you have'nt cuz its in brain somewhere.
Inside the brain
The brain has three main parts.the first is the cerebrum which helps us to think and feel.We also have a cerebullm that helps us to balance and is divided into halfs called aiso have a brain stem that controls your automatic actions like breathing and blinking.
How does the brain work?
your brain sends a message through your spinal cord and into your nerves and tells you if something hurts. e.g you step on a prikle and your brain sends down a message to your foot thats in pain.
A healthy brain.
you can keep your brain healthy. so don't take bad drugs . excize your brain reagerly by going to school .If your riding your bike always where a helmet and get lots of sleep.
In conclusion, you now know to always look after your brain.